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D100 Guide
1st Edition Errata
Copyright page. "Now shall the author and publisher..." should read "Nor shall the author and publisher..."
Noise, page 29. The note accompanying the picture should have a last line that reads "(i.e., it's not truly random)." The word "not" is missing.
CCD, page 29. I've got the RGBG info backwards. The D100 starts with a row of alternating blue and green photosites (BGBGBG...) then a row of alternating green and red photosites (GRGRGRGR...). That's not particularly important to know, however, unless you're creating a demosaicing program, in which case it's very important!
TIFF versus NEF, page 59. "8 bit color compared to 16 bit" should read "8 bit data compared to 12 bit."
Spot Metering, page 79. Nikon lists the spot meter as seeing 2% of the frame. Popular Photography measured the actual frame area taken in by the central sensor as 1.1%. Curiously, the review of the Fuji S2 put the spot meter at 1.8%.
Custom Setting #14, page 152, item 5. The word "lick" should be "like."
Depth of Field spreadsheet. The instructions say that the Circle of Confusion number to use for digital SLRs is 0.16. That should read 0.016.
2nd Edition Errata
Filenames. In a couple of places I got dyslexic: it's not DCS_0001.JPG, it's DSC_0001.JPG.
All references to JPEG NORM should be JPEG NORMAL.
MB-D100. Nikon technical support now consistently claims that any EN-EL3 batteries you use in the MB-D100 are wired in parallel and thus discharged simultaneously (they also say the AA batteries are wired in series). I'm looking into this. If true, this would imply that a low EN-EL3 (coupled with a fully charged one) could be deeply discharged in the MB-D100. Deep discharges shorten battery life.
CD Label. Some early CD labels say "2rd Edition" (which I think is just before the 3nd Edition).
Photoshop Actions. There's been a report that the border action produces type that's too large. I'm looking into it.
Page 13. Second bullet should read ""... an advanced SLR like the Nikon D100, Canon D60, or Fuji S2." (And I suppose now the Canon D60 should be replaced by the Canon 10D.)
Page 24. Item 48 should be labeled Flash Exposure Compensation indicator.
Page 52. Fourth paragraph should read "To form one complete digital image you must store 24-bit (for JPEG or TIFF) or 12-bit (for NEF) values for each pixel. (Remember, we need 8 bits for each of the three primary colors for JPEG and TIFF files.)" In other words, NEF files don't include values for each primary color.
Page 53. "Hoffman" should be "Huffman."
Page 64. "101NCD1X" is the proper name of a D1x file; there's a missing "1" at the end of the first use.
Page 91. Middle of the bullet point should read "compression manufactures artifacts" not "compression manufacturers artifacts."
Page 95. The note should start "You can choose," not "The can choose."
Page 97. Last line of the tip should read "and I tend to use much higher color temperature values than Nikon suggests for indoor lighting (e.g., -2 or -3)." My use of the words "lower values" was open to interpretation, thus the change to "higher color temperatures."
Page 116. "That that" in the first paragraph on Shutter Lag should read "than that".
Page 146. The S blinks, not the O.
Page 156. Bullet point #5, the word "lick" should be "as".
Page 157. The link to www.Photon.com needs an additional "w."
Page 170. "When I shot 35mm" should be "When I shoot 35mm."
Page 174: Last line of the bullet should say "are your only real field tools."
Page 175: The math is correct, but the first line uses the word "higher" instead of "lower." Should read: "...the signal to noise ratio for a pixel value of 1,1,1 is lower..."
Page 188: The SB-28DX doesn't display AA for Auto Aperture mode, only A. Also, the SB-50DX doesn't support this mode. This mistake is repeated on page 220.
Page 190: The Flash Sync Options Interactions table should have 1/60, not 1/30 as the minimum speed in the first line. And Slow Sync allows 30 seconds to 1/500 in all exposure modes.
Page 190. To make my recommendations consistent, the second bullet should read: "I always set flash exposure compensation on my external Speedlight, for example, and never on the body unless it has an internal flash (some bodies I use don’t have controls for flash exposure compensation; on the other hand, there is an argument for always setting it on the D100 if that’s your only camera: it’s the only place to set flash exposure compensation for the internal flash)."
Page 214. The last sentence (about Automatic or Manual flash mode) in the Tip should be removed; the SB-50DX doesn't really have any good alternative.
Page 216: I state that the SB-50DX can be fired simultaneously with the internal flash. This is true only if you put the SB-50DX in Manual flash mode and angle the flash head away from the normal position. This "feature" is tough to use, though, as you now have to calculate the reach of the SB-50DX via a bounce (use the Flash worksheet on the CD) and figure out how to coordinate that with what the internal flash is doing.
Page 235. Apparently Nikon is providing USB cables in many markets.
Page 236: In the note, "features" should be "feature."
Page 238: "Current" should be "currently."
Page 275: The answer to the second question has an incorrect statement and should read "With a few minor caveats, yes. First, if the lens is pre-AI, you should have the lens converted to AI (see http://www.aiconversions.com). Once the lens is AI-compatible, you can mount it on the D100 (some features, such as metering, remain inoperative). To get the lens to meter, you must add what Nikon calls a “CPU chip” to the lens. You can find details about a service to add CPU chips to AI or AI-S lenses, which is all that’s really needed to enable most features of the camera (other than autofocus), by turning your browser to the Rolland Elliott’s Web site: http://www.home.carolina.rr.com/headshots/Nikonhome.htm."
The section on Cumulus refers to DigitalPro as a possible replacement for the now defunct Nikon View/Cumulus link, and directs the reader to the Other Software section. But the information on DigitalPro is missing in that section. Here it is: "DigitalPro http://www.nikondigital.org (Win) (Application) Partly designed by working professional Moose Petersen, DigitalPro centers around the workflow and cataloging functions a working professional needs. Essentially, it’s a replacement for both Nikon View and Cumulus in my workflow examples, and it does a very decent job filling in for both. The cataloging options are a little more approachable than the Cumulus design (though Cumulus shines where multiple users or offline cataloging is needed). Recommended."