Fuji S2 or Nikon D100? We now have two digital cameras built on essentially the same platform. Which one is better? |
Updated 5 November 2002 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Feature Differences Since both cameras are based upon the same basic film body, there aren't a lot of differences between them. The differences really work out to these:
What about Sync Speed? Many recent digital camera forum postings have been devoted to the issue of the faster sync speed of the Nikon D100 compared to the S2. After all, 1/180 is faster than 1/125. True, but the usual reason photographers want faster sync speeds isn't to stop motion (sports being an exception), but to allow more flexibility in use of flash as fill. The biggest request usually is to be able to use larger apertures to throw the background out of focus. Sync Speed isn't the only factor that enters the picture (pardon the pun). ISO value also makes a difference. So let's go outdoors for a typical fill flash situation. We'll say that we're shooting under midday sun, so the exposure by definition is f/16 at 1/ISO. On the D100, the fastest ISO we can set is 200, while on the Fuji we can set ISO 100. Thus, we get: D100
-- f/16 at 1/180 In both cases, we're about a 1/6th of a stop hot (due to the increments being used). So, you actually get a half stop more aperture flexibility in fill out of the S2 Pro. If you're shooting action, the extra half stop of shutter speed the D100 gives you might be useful. Either way, we're talking about a difference of about half a stop. So which do you want? More aperture (choose the S2 Pro) or more shutter speed (choose the D100)?
SB-50DX Use Difference The S2 Pro supports firing both the internal flash and a hot-shoe mounted SB-50DX simultaneously in TTL modes, and works out the correct exposure when doing so. The D100 will fire only the internal flash in D-TTL modes. You can turn the internal flash to manual flash mode and fire both the internal flash and SB-50DX in the hot shoe simultaneously (also in Manual flash mode), but this isn't very useful, as both fire at full power and have different GNs! The more I look at the nuances of D-TTL flash, the more I find little things that don't work as expected.
Look and Feel A number of posts on the digital camera forums have already noted one seeming difference between the two cameras: the Fuji, they claim, appears to be a little more "grafted on" to the N80 than the D100, which appears to be a modified N80. One went so far as to call the S2 (and its S1 predecessor) a Frankencamera. I'm not sure I can agree with the contention that the Fuji S2 will be more awkward in use, however. The battery situation is about the only kludgy aspect of the Fuji design, in my opinion, and even that can be simplified if you don't use the internal flash. In some ways, the Fuji design has one clear advantage: the camera stuff stays with the basic Nikon N80 controls, the new digital aspects are controlled with the added black and white LCD and four buttons, and as S1 users know, Fuji has done a pretty good job of making this simple and direct. If you haven't used an S1, which features the same basic design, you shouldn't poo-poo this "separation." In practice, most of Fuji's digital UI is far simpler and faster to use than those on the original Nikon D1 (and even the subsequent D1h and D1x, and D100). It certainly is nice to have most of the digital tools organized into one spot. Moreover, Fuji has done a nice job of integrating the custom settings with the color LCD, essentially doing what Nikon should have done. The digital parts of the D100 work much like the D1's do, which is to say very well integrated but not perfect. There's no absolute winner here--either camera is simple to control and shoot with once you've used it for awhile. Still, I like the Fuji's controls a bit better than the D100's. The D100 seems to once again have continued Nikon's arbitrary relocation of the autofocus sensor direction pad (the Fuji's has moved from the N80 position, too). The Fuji feels more comfortable in my hand while shooting, with a more natural right hand position. Both cameras have buttons and connectors where I would naturally be holding the camera with my left hand, though the Nikon's rubber cover extends the full length of the left side, meaning that if you plug any cable into the camera, the left side hand position is compromised. With Fuji's design, those with small hands might be able to still grasp the camera with their left hand with a cable plugged in. The position of the color LCD on both cameras is going to provoke a lot of discussion, too. While you won't get nose prints on the Fuji S2, you might get chin prints. You also can't "peek" at the color LCD quickly due to its extreme position in the lower left corner of the back. Nikon's choice seems better. You won't get nose prints on it, and you don't have to move the camera far from your face to see the color LCD (to review a histogram, for example). The protective cover Nikon supplies is clear (but prone to breaking) while Fuji's is partially opaque and not very secure. Both cameras use the horrible N80 rubber eyecup, which you will lose very quickly. (Hint: get the N50 or N60 half cup, which fits on the N80-style viewfinder; you'll still have to watch carefully to keep from losing it, but it does a better job of isolating the stray light.) Fuji's image review system is far poorer than the Nikon's. First, you have this annoying delay after taking a picture unless you turn on "Preview," which is a surefire way to lose images someday (you have to confirm that you want each image saved, or it will be thrown away before saving; e.g., you can't use recovery tools to find the lost image). Second, the camera has to be active to view pictures, which means that most of the time I'm pressing the shutter release partway before pressing the Play button. An awkward and poor design. The D100 has more viewfinder information and more accurate battery level display. The Nikon implementation of histogram and highlights is better than what Fuji provides, as well.
Rear Sync Use Difference The S2 Pro again follows the 35mm flash specifics: when you select Rear Sync, the pre-flash is cancelled (it's also cancelled if you bounce the flash). With the D100, the D-TTL system never cancels the pre-flash, so with longer shutter speeds you'll see two flashes (the pre-flash and the flash). Fortunately you'd rarely use Rear Sync with long shutter speeds for portraits, but if you do, be aware that your subject is going to react to the first flash (the pre-flash) and think the photo has already been taken (it has not).
CompactFlash Differences Here's a strange one: shooting with Microdrives on a Fuji results in faster save times than with a Lexar 24x card. On the Nikon, the Lexar 24x card saves faster than a Microdrive. In both cases, the difference is significant and meaningful (on the order of 200kbps, or about a 10% difference). |
Image Quality I've now looked at quite a few images off a number of shipping D100 and S2 Pro bodies. Plenty of S2 Pro/D100/D60/D1x comparison photos also exist on the Web, so I'll leave it to you to browse and find them on your own. My remarks are based upon observation of images I've taken at workshops with the two cameras side by side. Even casual perusal of images from these cameras shows us that they have very different personalities. Perhaps this is an over-generalization, but here goes:
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Reader Comments and Queries Robert Joplin [Robert.Joplin@COMPAQ.com] asked how the D100 compares to the D1x. In particular, he wanted to know about the resolution differences and what the ISO 200 base speed might mean: Thom's Response: The D1x and D100 are both interpolated (both use Bayer pattern filters) at about the same resolution (so does the Fuji S2). The only real difference is the regularity and alignment of the photosites, which effects their size and may introduce some minor artificating if not corrected for. But at these resolutions, you're not likely to see a lot of difference. The Fuji S2 does an in-camera resolution doubling to 12 megapixels, a D1x image can be nearly doubled by in resolution by running it through Bibble or QImage Pro, which invent intermediary vertical pixels from the sensor data and provide about 10 megapixels. As for ISO, high ISO values make it difficult to use fill flash in bright light, especially when you consider the limited 1/180 sync speed of the D100. The S2 with a sync speed of 1/125 and an ISO of 100 actually is a slightly better alternative in this regard (well, by a third of a stop). It also remains to be seen whether Nikon has fixed the TTL flash situation; for the internal flash on an N80 you can't set Standard TTL without sacrificing other features. Daniel Eppelsheimer [dseppels@MIT.EDU] asks: Why would Nikon (D100) not have the FireWire and now the Fuji S2 (compared with S1) have Firewire as an option? It seems if they are moving in opposite directions in the same market. Thom's Response: FireWire is not ubiquitous in consumer computers (of my three computers, only two of them have it, and the two that do are from Sony and Apple, not exactly mainstream). True, you could add it to most machines, but I think Nikon simply looked at the least common denominator for their consumer model. Fuji aspires to have the S2 used in studio settings (note the addition of a PC sync socket), and there FireWire would almost certainly be needed for quick preview of results. Note, too, that Fuji's camera comes from their Professional division, which caters mostly to the studio crowd, though it obviously has spillover into the general market. So, you are correct, they are moving in opposite directions, though not necessarily after the same market. David Dyer-Bennet [dd-b@dd-b.net] writes: Based on the facts you give, I see a clear advantage to the Fuji on the battery front. I *hate* specialized proprietary batteries, so the fact that it uses ordinary common AA Nimh cells is a *big* win for me. It means I can have a second (third, fourth...) set of charged batteries ready without spending however many hundred dollars Nikon would charge me for a second battery pack. And use my existing charger at home, in my car, wherever, rather than hoping the Nikon charger supports car power. Thom's Response: I like the AA option, too, though the lithium batteries of the D100 perform better in cold weather than Nimh AA rechargeable in the Fuji. The real issue, however, is likely to be cost, since you can get four excellent Nimh AAs for less than $10. As for charging in a car, either way I use a power inverter in my vehicle, which doesn't require buying Nikon's specific car charger (though I end up with cords everywhere--good thing I have an outlet in the back of the vehicle where I can just let everything stay hooked up).hcalahan@midsouth.rr.com writes: I think its great that the prices of good digital cameras are coming into a more realistic price range for most. Of the differences I have read about other than the obvious resolution superiority of the Fuji and the addition of the pc socket. The most noteworthy to me anyway is the ability of the Fuji to shoot several frames in a burst I believe 2.5 fps for up to 7 frames. I have not read in any of the Nikon rhetoric about similar capabilities of the Nikon. I am a big fan of Nikon but from what I am reading I think Fuji will get the nod from me. Looking forward to your further reviews. Thom's Response: I'd expect burst speed and buffers to be very similar, and I doubt we'll know the exact numbers until just before the cameras ship. [In practice, I've found that the D100 shoots slightly faster than the Fuji in continuous drive. But the difference isn't enough to be important.] R Patterson [richpat@mac.com] writes: As an S1 owner and user (portraits, nature & "light" photojournalism [no Afghanistan!]), I am quite impressed with Fuji's execution. At first, I was a little jealous of the D1 & D1x owners (missed the metal body), until I realized the following:
Moving forward to the S2, I think the ISO 100 is a great feature on the S2. I think in ISO 100 because that is the bulk of slide film I shoot (E100S). The minimum ISO 320 on the S1 has been a pain at times. In moderate bright light, I have to use ND filters to use wide apertures for depth of field control. I think the S2 gets it right having ISO 100 and Firewire. Firewire is the best for moving lots of large images (10MB+ files). As for color, Fuji did a great job on the S1. The S1 images are very usable without a lot of tweaking before giving them to my clients. In addition, when shooting at the higher ISO 800-1600 the images aren't bad! The proof will be in the output from these two cameras. If Nikon continues to improve their color and usability of the images, the D100 could be the one. I really wish Nikon didn't require "DX" flashes for TTL. However, after working with the Fuji product and seeing their execution, the S2 should be an awesome camera. We'll see if Fuji lowers their price after seeing the D100 and EOS D60 prices... Thom's Response: Well, I'd say reasons 1 and 2 aren't particularly valid any more. D1 users clean their CCD (and Nikon now only says "do it at your own risk"), and Microdrives are supported by Nikon (the early 340MB drives were problems, though). As for #3, the N60 body on which the S1 is based doesn't perform pre-flash, so Fuji must have either gotten lucky on the reflectance of the CCD or figured out a compensation value to put in place. Also, the limitation on flash is ISO 400 with that body. So, while it works, it does so in a narrow range, that, as you point out, is problematic to use in bright light. As to the S2, I'm curious to see how Fuji will get around the pre-flash issue inherent in the N80 body design. But your
final thought is much the same as mine: the proof is going to be in the
quality of image versus price. If Fuji can retain their excellent color
rendering and keep close to the Nikon price, this will be a hotly competitive
duo. [And,
again, after using both cameras side by side for several months, the differences
in image quality aren't much different than choosing Ektachrome or Provia
for a film camera. Some will prefer one, some the other.]
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