No book with as much detail in it as The Complete Guide to the Nikon D1, D1h, & D1x makes it to market without a few errors, despite my best efforts to the contrary. Fortunately, the Web gives me a way to let you know where the problems lie. So break out your red pencils, grab your book, and manually add the following to your copy.
Found a mistake in any edition of the Complete Guide to the Nikon D1, D1h, & D1x? Drop me an email and let me know so that I can correct it in future editions.
Section on Power: I state that the EN-4 uses five standard A cells. This should read "six 4/5 A cells." The 4/5 A cell is a battery type used by manufacturers (many laptop batteries used to be comprised of 4/5 A cells wired in series), but not normally available to consumers. The 4/5 A is a "standard" size, but I've removed that word lest some confuse this with the consumer standard sizes.
Section on SB-50DX: The SB-50DX does not have a distance shooting scale on the LCD. You need to look up shooting distances in the manual or on my laminated reference card. Manually zooming the head on the SB-50DX only works if you have the head in the normal position. When it's tilted down, the head automatically zooms to 24mm (or 14mm if the diffuser is down). When it's tilted up, the head automatically zooms to 50mm.
Section on matrix metering: the matrix meter isn't oriented the way it's illustrated in the book. Instead of using the traditional fixed matrix of most other cameras, the D1 series is patterned off the F5 matrix meter. This meter uses a dedicated CCD that is not quite the size of the D1 frame (and doesn't see beyond the frame). The photosites of this CCD are "grouped" by the onboard processor in ways that are not documented, but probably mimic what I wrote in the book. Again, the key is not the actual brightness seen in any particular area, but how the meter sees differences between the matrices. Essentially, the matrix is a "pattern," which is compared against patterns in the camera's database to determine what to do. One critical difference, however, is that the D1's (and F5's) matrix meter is not as prone to miss an exposure due to bright sky values in the extreme corners.
Page 92: bracketing tables list values above 1 EV. The D1 models support only bracketing values up to 1 EV.
Addition: There is now a third-party EN-4 battery equivalent available from Polaroid, at least to US residents (they don't ship out of country). Contact VSS Electronics, 21115 Devonshire Street #352, Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818)-775-1894. VSS's PR-114DG battery is a 2100 mAh NiMH battery with a list price of $73.97. Web orders can be made at Apparently this battery is available through other sources, but this is the first one I saw.
Page 26: Reference to CCD should be LCD.
Page 58: "That said, if first..." should read "That said, if you first..."
Page 107: bracketing tables list values above 1 EV. The D1 models support only bracketing values up to 1 EV.
Page 191: The parenthetical notes on the D1x options reference the D1h. Remove that reference (it got picked up from an earlier edition which combined the D1h/D1x options).
Page 201: To make the alternatives more clear in the first bullet, it should read "...lock handle folded against the battery body means the battery is discharged." As written, both alternatives refer to a charged battery, and thus aren't really alternatives.
Page 208: Last line of the bullet should say "are your only real field tools."
Page 209: The math is correct, but the first line uses the word "higher" instead of "lower." Should read: "...the signal to noise ratio for a pixel value of 1,1,1 is lower..."
Page 224: The SB-28DX doesn't display AA for Auto Aperture mode, only A. Also, the SB-50DX doesn't support this mode. This mistake is repeated on page 230.
Page 224: The Flash Sync Options Interactions table should have 1/60, not 1/30 as the minimum speed in the first line. And Slow Sync allows 30 seconds to 1/500 in all exposure modes.
Page 228: One reader correctly points out that studio flash duration, like that of Speedlights, varies with output power, so the amount of light loss at high sync speeds depends upon the power setting of the flash. So always test at the output power you're using.
Page 229: While technically correct as written, the reference to the SB-25 in the Specification section should read SB-28 instead.
Page 269: In the note, "features" should be "feature."
Page 271: "Current" should be "currently."