



last update: July 28, 2001

  Nikon Speedlight SB-2/SB-3

These nearly identical units provide automatic flash control. Introduced in 1977, the SB-2 is designed to connect to the F2 and other cameras with the original Nikon flash connection mounted on the rewind lever. The SB-3 is designed for cameras, such as the Nikkormats, that use the more standard prism-mounted hot shoe.


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GN 80 (ft), 25 (m)
Weight 15 oz (430g) (w/o batteries)
Size 4.3” (110mm) wide x 4.1” (104mm) deep x 1.6” (40mm) tall
Power four AA batteries
Recycle Time 8 seconds minimum (full discharge)
# of Flashes ~140 at full manual
Flash Duration 1/2,000
Coverage 35mm lens (56 degrees horizontal, 40 degrees vertical)
Case NA
Key Features Flash automatically shuts off when flash-to-subject distance is 2 to 20 feet (0.6m to 6m); choice of three working apertures. Head tilts through 180 degree arc.

Reference Cards

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Other Speedlights
SB-1, SB-2, SB-3, SB-4,
, SB-6, SB-7E, SB-8E,
SB-9, SB-10, SB-E, SB-11,
SB-12, SB-14, SB-140,
, SB-16, SB-17,
, SB-19, SB-20,
, SB-22, SB-22s,
, SB-24, SB-25,
, SB-27,
, SB-29,


Don't Just Read the Web Site, Get the Book!

The above information was excerpted from the in-depth information in Nikon Flash Guide. Besides flash specifications, you'll find a full set of operating instructions for each flash in the book. Plus, most cameras from the Nikon F3 forward are covered in the detailed section on interactions and capabilities in the back of the book. That's all in addition to the clearest description of how the Nikon flash system works that opens the book. Click on the cover in the right column to order your copy from amazon.com!

Want an autographed copy? Click HERE.



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